my birthday wish-list ๐Ÿ™‚

there are a lot of things being born these days… myself included, every day :)…

I’ve never asked* for something for my birthday… in the last years I don’t celebrate this day (or any other special day, for the same reason). my life’s purpose is to celebrate each day as it is my birthday, as it is the first or the last day of my life. to live fully… and I arrived in (chose) a place where this is possible, living my days next to people who are interesting in being authentic, in the present moment, preoccupied with the meaning of life, who are holding the space with care and love, for themselves in the first place, implicitly for others.


SO… I wish some things for my birthday ๐Ÿ™‚ YES, you hear me well! :)) surprised I let myself into this ;).

The overwritten items below are already offered :)… you can choose the ones which are still available or contact me…

  1. The 9 books in the Anastasia – The Rinsing Cedars series. The first edition series, English version, more specifically this one. There books appeared in my life more then one month ago… and are… invaluable!
  2. A wooden watch. Some examples that I like are this, this or this.
  3. This water filter. We have heavy polluted water where we live and as we live outside the village, the municipality is not allocating budget to bring the water from the grid to our place.
  4. The second edition of Sacred Birthing – Birthing a New Humanity book.


If you wanna be part of gifting me any of these, please contact me for details (to not get to the point where more friends are offering me the same item or to find a collaborative place where many of you can contribute for one gift).


Yes, I will kindly receive your gift, if I feel it’s coming from an open heart and with softness for everyone.

Curious where this is going…

Thank you for you love,



[Update 29.04.2017] as more loved ones want to offer me gifts…ย  the list is expanding… I allow it, as it comes to my heart :)…

*I realized I lied about that. I asked, at least for an iron… from Sweety, some years ago :)… it was offered :).

thank you for your LOVE ๐Ÿ™‚



3 responses to “my birthday wish-list :)”

  1. half of the water filter is already offered <3

  2. the first item in the list is “taken”! the books will arrive in a few weeks to me… the whole Universe is on the move for this ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

  3. the watch is “taken” ๐Ÿ™‚ <3 thank youuu!

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