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Category: fatherhood
Curs de Miracole, Vol. V – Psihoterapie: lectura si ganduri – Ep. 1, Introducere
Am publicat primul episod din seria de inregistrari pe care o pregatesc despre Cursul de Miracole – Volumul V, Psihoterapie: Scop, Proces si Practica. Iubesc Cursul de Miracole si faptul ca extensia din Volumul V este atat de rar abordata am decis sa o aduc in fata ta si a noastra, pentru ca in pimul…
Anastasia on Man, the ruler of all the Universe – raising children – [book] “The Space of Love”
“…What do parents need to do to make it so? So that children will grow up, as you say, with a soul that is free? To be rulers of the Universe and happy? As God Himself has wished?” “They must no interfere, they need to see their children clearly in their own thinking the way…
iti scriu…
iti scriu pentru ca esti in sufletul meu… pentru ca esti… in primul rand.. asa cum esti… femeie… sau poate mama ce a nascut in puterea sa, sau wanna-be mama… sau inainte de conceptie… sau burtica… cu experiente intense… sau poate ai avut burtica ce s-a retras mai devreme decat era “planul”, sau poate bebe…
dad is pregnant too
In everything, fathers, you are an equal and essential participant if you will claim it. […] Your baby has specifically chosen you as her father because she wishes your participation in her life. […] Father is an essential participation of preconception to birth and beyond. His love is the current that opens mother’s heart to…