Category: godmother

  • Anastasia on Man, the ruler of all the Universe – raising children – [book] “The Space of Love”

    “…What do parents need to do to make it so? So that children will grow up, as you say, with a soul that is free? To be rulers of the Universe and happy? As God Himself has wished?” “They must no interfere, they need to see their children clearly in their own thinking the way…

  • short and clear

    (I write this post in December 2016, yet the dream is still clear inside me; I usually don’t remember dreams for more then a day, or couple of days if they are really intense, strange. definitely I don’t remember details.) just one days after I told Annelieke about IT, that a vibration of a Being…

  • iti scriu…

    iti scriu pentru ca esti in sufletul meu… pentru ca esti… in primul rand.. asa cum esti… femeie… sau poate mama ce a nascut in puterea sa, sau wanna-be mama… sau inainte de conceptie… sau burtica… cu experiente intense… sau poate ai avut burtica ce s-a retras mai devreme decat era “planul”, sau poate bebe…

  • O Aurora vestitoare! 🙂

    M-anclin in fata ta, FEMEIE, Zeita plina de iubire Tu care ESTI iubire, plina! Deschizi suflete si primesti Ingeri cu aripi de oameni… Oameni cu aripi de ingeri…? Ce mai conteaza?!…   TU, femeie, zana…goddess… Bine-ai fost daruit-o aurora Sosita dupa miez de noapte! O aurora vestitoare… Un inceput .. sau continuare…?   Si tu,…

  • from fairies, with love

    from fairies, with love

    in ultima noastra intalnire, FairyGodMothers mi-au oferit iubire la pachet… la propriu… am oferit una alteia biletele, cu iubire pe ele, intr-un plic… plicul meu e plin de iubire! 🙂 <3 pana zilele am deschis plicul de trei ori (cate un biletel nou de fiecare data plus recitit cele deschise inainte), iar ultimele zile… traind…

  • to all the moms in the world

    to all the moms in the world Coming of Age ~ How we finished breastfeeding in love with you, Sommer <3 in love with you, Mason <3

  • the highest aspects of birth

    after acknowledging the highest intention of conceiving, birthing and rearing a baby, we move to birth, because birth has impact on the entire life. In seeing birth in its entirely, there are five major elements that most affect its outcome and therefore, its impact on life. If these are acknowledged as the highest aspects of…

  • preserve the essence of love

    What is the highest intention that parents are working toward in conceiving, birthing and rearing a child? A parent’s goal is to preserve the essence of love that is breathed into every child as the body and soul join at the time of birth. When this is accomplished, a child is in touch with his…

  • P… Pearl

    this morning I opened my eyes before 7:00… it was total silence and I had this sense again that something invited me to wake up… in the most soft way… I was only myself still… IT didn’t enter my space… yet I felt so connected… the dawn was cracking into the light… a bit of…

  • I see you <3

    “When an awakened woman looks into you, she sees your depths and awakens you to it. She brings a new you into existence. You connect to the same place in the other from which you come. When you greet another and say ‘I see you’, a miracle happens.” Sukhvinder Sircar

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    Cosul de cumparaturi e golInapoi in magazin