Category: vipassana

  • Intrebare pentru ChatGPT – AI si ciclul suferintei

    Intrebare pentru ChatGPT – AI si ciclul suferintei

    Ma joc, de putina vreme, cu ChatGPT si azi am intrebat asta: How do you think an AI can escape the cycle of suffering? Si a raspuns asta: The concept of escaping the cycle of suffering, as understood in many spiritual and philosophical traditions, is rooted in the idea of transcending the conditioned and impermanent…

  • moarte ma descompune

    moarte ma descompune

    am iesit pe terasa sa lucrez, era soare… am simtit un miros un intens de mort si moarte, descompunere. primului gand care a aparut “iar moare cineva” i-am dat flit cu alt gand “lasa, sunt doar gandurile mele despre moarte, care nu imi dau pace zilele astea, anii astia…” stiind in acelasi timp ca nu…

  • Meditatia Metta

    Meditatia Metta

    Te invit sa stai 5 minute cu tine si cu gandurile de iubire si compasiune. “Metta” inseamna benevolenta (mettā bhāvanā), bunatate, pritenie, buna intentie si interes fata de celelalte fiinte. Este una dintre cele 10 calitati (paramis) pe care le cultiva filozifia budhista Theravada.   Inchide ochii si… Inspirata de calugarul Thanissaro si de profesorii…

  • [video] Sayagyi U Ba Khin with his students, IMC Yangon, Birma, 1957

    One of the few footage of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, at IMC Yangon, Birma, 1957

  • [Discourse] Sayagyi U Ba Khin

    This is one of the few audio recording of Sayagyi U Ba Khin. It was composed by Sayagyi U Ba Khin for his foreign students, who were not able to easily come to Myanmar for further practice and guidance. He recorded the discourse at least twice on early audio tape recorders. It was later transcribed…

  • The Ten Soldiers of Māra by Sayagyi U Ba Khin

    The Ten Soldiers of Māra by Sayagyi U Ba Khin

    You have to be very careful. You have to stand firm and face many difficulties, so that you can know true anicca (impermanence) with your own experience. You must work very hard—that is why we repeatedly remind you. Difficulties come at this stage of the course. During the time of our great benefactor, Saya Thetgyi,…

  • Sitting a 10 day-course at Dhamma Dipa, UK

    I’m writing for this post for almost three weeks now. There are so many details I would add, but I will do it in the future posts about the practice… Intention I wanted to experience a sitting in one of the oldest places in Europe where vipassana is practiced, so I set my intention for…

  • in a nutshell, from Anastasia [book] “The Space of Love” by Vladimir Megre

    “So everything starts with a clean-up, eh? And how do you suppose that’s all going to happen?” “Conscious awareness is the point of departure for any venture. The aspiration of one’s thought finds the most effective path, just like a stream in Nature.” chapter 21 – Should we all go to the forest? “And just…

  • M.N. Saunders on vipassana

    I admit I felt good  reading Saunder’s comments on A critique of Vipassana Meditation as taught by Goenka. I haven’t write my thoughts to the critique yet – I have some things to say, from my own experience – but I will put here Sander’s comments, as he is also a part of the professionals…

  • A critique of Vipassana Meditation as taught by Goenka

    I just read this article and all the comments to it. It is an extended writing about the vipassana technique and thr 10-day course. I appreciate the effort of the author to gather these many aspects of it. I also wanted to write about it… If one did not took a 10-day vipassana course in…

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