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Category: woman
Mama noastra care ne primesti in Ceruri
Mama divina, Tu care ne primesti Pe Pamant ca si in Ceruri, Fie ca Prezenta Ta sa locuiasca in sufletul nostru, Ca Lumina Ta sa se incarneze in noi Si astfel Sufletul Tau sa purifice orice lucru in unitatea lumilor. Fa ca fiecare zi sa ne fie o adevarata hrana, Fa-ne constienti de lipsurile nostre…
Anna Breytenbach – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview: presence, awareness, ripples, seen, unseen [video]
“we are just differently arranged holding patterns”
Anastasia on goddesses <3
How can I not believe in all the women, Vladimir, since I know that Divine essence is present in every woman living on Earth today? So let it reveal itself in all its resplendent array! Goddesses! Women of the Divine Earth! Reveal in yourselves your own Divine essence. Show yourselves to the whole Universe in…
sacred woman for a sacred man: (song) Duran Duran “Lay, Lady, Lay”
I’ve just remembered this song… didn’t find (didn’t search much either) find a more softer video for it… not the video is relevant now and here, but the lyrics :)… below to a sacred woman, to a sacred man, they dwell in my heart too <3 — Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass…
[artist] Diana Manole – rerotikon
first I saw the poster of her exibition on Facebook there’s something calling my attention in some of her work…
iti scriu…
iti scriu pentru ca esti in sufletul meu… pentru ca esti… in primul rand.. asa cum esti… femeie… sau poate mama ce a nascut in puterea sa, sau wanna-be mama… sau inainte de conceptie… sau burtica… cu experiente intense… sau poate ai avut burtica ce s-a retras mai devreme decat era “planul”, sau poate bebe…
O Aurora vestitoare! 🙂
M-anclin in fata ta, FEMEIE, Zeita plina de iubire Tu care ESTI iubire, plina! Deschizi suflete si primesti Ingeri cu aripi de oameni… Oameni cu aripi de ingeri…? Ce mai conteaza?!… TU, femeie, zana…goddess… Bine-ai fost daruit-o aurora Sosita dupa miez de noapte! O aurora vestitoare… Un inceput .. sau continuare…? Si tu,…
The Rupture of the Mother Line and the Cost of Becoming Real
there is more beyond what is written here… at different levels… thinking of myself… my dear sister, our mom, of Pearl and of many… many other women (and men) I met in this lifetime… Â With each wave of grief we re-unite with the parts of us we had to disown in order to be accepted…
metta to all wombs and tears
heart in heart with my sisters out-there mind your own womb …and here is the accompanying post of the same author, coming to meet the reactions of women to the previous post… which gets me to my own tears… I’m meeting my power lately… and with power comes vulnerability… truthfulness… clarity… allowance of being what…
it takes a lot to be a woman
today it was the first meeting with the Fairy Godmothers… unele femei m-au intrebat sau au afirmat la despartire ca ne stim de undeva dar nu stiu de unde… well, eu am simtit asta de cand ne-am adunat in acelasi spatiu fizic, fata de unele chiar puternic… familiaritatea aceea de care nu ma mai speriu…